My Beginnings
My Original Animated Monkey&What I morphed it into.
(Non animated with a flag background)

  • Starting out...

    OI started out getting to know a flea market dealer in the Dayton Ohio Area... Middletown Ohio at Traders World.  I took his andf another dealers stuff on the road doing flea markets and camping out.  On the Road,Rventually doing fleamarkets on the Indiana State Fairgrounds, Bloomington IN, and Strawtown Indiana.
    (this location plays a big role in my introduction to Hot Wheels Sales.).

  • Setting roots in Indiana

    It was at the Indiana Fairgrounds I met my future Partner Doug, who was selling the same Merchandise that I was.  The eventually set us up side by side passing stuff back and forth that customers asked for.Eventually things at home fell apart,and I pulled my stuff out of the truck, Moved to Indianapolis, and threw in with Doug.

    Iwas after moving here at walmart in Strawtown Indiana, I bought a Purple Passion and 56 flashsider Hotwheelstook them up the road a half a mile thre them on the table for $5 and sold them within 5 minutes and i was Hooked. I'd always loved Hot Wheels as a kid now here i was hooked on them again.

    Once in Indy I got a job Managing a McDonalds. I lived, or slept i should say for the first month or so,in the TOYS R US Psarking lot. till it started getting cold.then Doug let me sleep in the boot of his chevy Citation, as it was Parked in his garage...

  • Working in Indy

    I worked several jobs, From Resturant work in Pittsboro, IN, the Target Warehouse in Indy, Till Finally Ending up at one of Indy's popular nightclubs, where i worked for the rest of my time there.
  • The Birth of MonketWrench Motorsports


    I met a great Lady from CA, and moved her to indiana and with her help Rented Rertail Space at 30th and Georgetown and opened up MonkeyWrench Motorsports just two Blocks up from the Indianapolis Motor Speedway.It was There having a Brick and Morter Store I applied to, and Became a Mattel Partner I started in late April with 1200 dollar orderkept rolling it over and by the end of the calendar year, i had bought 23,000 dollars of Hot Wheels......

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